By Martin Finerman

Sand etching is an engraving procedure whereby information (names, dates, occasion, etc.) is placed onto custom awards or glass trophies. Sand etching is usually done using sand with a grit fineness of between 180 and 220. (As numbers increase, so does the fineness of the grit). When sand etching is used on them, their appearance is perceived as being of a higher value than if ordinary laser engraving techniques were used. Thus, custom awards or glass trophies are a lasting way to show one's appreciation toward someone's specific accomplishment.

Sand etching allows for deeper engraving, which makes the engraving information last longer. In addition, custom awards or glass trophies that are engraved using sand etching are easier to fill with paint, if this is needed or desired. Sand etching also provides more contrast between the engraving surface and the information that has been placed on it.

Sand etching leaves no tool marks. This is something that can rarely be avoided in laser engraving. The result is a more professional, high-quality appearance.

Custom awards and glass trophies that have been engraved using the sand etching method may be perceived as having more dimension than those that have been done using laser engraving. The look can actually take on the appearance of a "three-D" effect.

Sand etching works on many surfaces, but is especially effective on glass. The information is clearer and easier to read, providing a more specialized look to custom awards and glass trophies. The recipient may consider the award that much more valuable or meaningful simply because the one giving it cared enough to use sand etching instead of laser engraving.

Laser engraving does afford the buyer of custom awards and glass trophies more of a selection in the materials used in making the awards and trophies. However, sand etching can also be used on a variety of materials also, with comparable or even better results. Even though a very few certain materials may have to be eliminated, the fact that the beauty and detail of the engraving work will be greatly enhanced will more than make up for that.

Custom awards and glass trophies are usually reserved for those who have performed exceptional duties or gone beyond what was considered necessary in order to achieve an important goal. For this reason, they are usually not bestowed lightly. If circumstances are such that the awarding of such trophies is called for, then it would stand to reason that the same care that is taken to choosing the recipient should also be given to the engraving. Those who are responsible for decisions regarding custom awards and glass trophies, whether it is to the design or to the recipients, may want to consider sand etching as a way of permanently marking the momentous occasion.

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