By Anita Simmonds

Multi-million dollar projects have one thing in common, and this is they need to use project management templates for proper reporting. They are efficiently managed by a team of professionals who have access to information in all phases of project implementation. During the lifetime of a project, the following stages have been identified. The first stage of a project is called initiation, and is followed by planning, then by project execution, and ends during project closure.

Each stage of the life cycle is described by highly detailed project documents where about 50 unique documents have been identified by a leading project management firm. The technique of crafting compelling documents has boiled down to a set of best practices and are derived from the experiences of thousands of professionals who were responsible for the successes or failures of several projects around the world.

This document is called the Business Case document. When the business case is formulated in a compelling manner, it satisfies the needs of the investors by capturing not only the quantifiable characteristics of the project. It also describes how the project delivers unquantifiable benefits to the business.

These are the reasons why the Business Case is the document that is thoroughly examined by potential investors. Having a template that captures what investors expect to be inside Business Case project documentation may spell the difference between either a false start or a smooth acceleration of the start of the undertaking.

The 50 sets of documents were arrived because each stage of the life cycle of a project requires distinct sets of information. For example during the stage of project initiation, there is a need to identify the business case of the project. Next is the conduct of a feasibility study. A project charter has to be written that lists down the mission, vision, deliverables and stakeholders of the undertaking.

With templates, managers of projects and other working professionals, needn't have to re-think and re-organize their information and worry about presentation. With project management templates, the steps in making results presentable is better done quickly and in a more efficient manner.

Since most project management documents are created by word processors, project management templates exist for popular software such as Microsoft Word. There are also document templates that can be opened in Excel or other popular spreadsheet applications. By making these templates widely available, the viability of a project and the chances of its success are increased.

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