By Craig Calvin

There are all sorts of ideas out there, ways to make your business run smoother and quicker, but without proper preparation and follow through, even the best ideas can not help. Streamlining your business is essential for survival in today's market. Everyone is looking for an advantage and you do not want to sacrifice quality for price.

It is important to remember that the customer is the one that determines the value of a product or service and what they are willing to pay for it. The more value you bring to customers, the more they are willing to pay. Value is not just the cost of the product or service, meaning that all things go with the product. All of the value added services and extras that you can not always see from the outside.

The old model says that the profit is the sale price minus the cost but the benefit is not only how much they can sell part of, it is what brings value to the customer. The price increase is not the only way to get more profits, lowering the cost to make or provide the service is another way to make more money.

So if you can figure out a way to lower the cost of a certain process or a series of processes, you can start to begin to see that in any process there is waste. Eliminating the waste is key to lowering the cost of producing anything. Waste is the enemy of any business and continuing to make improvements is the only way to continue to grow and prosper. If you aren't looking for ways to improve all of your processes, you are missing great opportunities to make your bottom line better.

One way to do this is to watch the entire process from beginning to end and then break it down into more manageable companies. Look at the picture, then look at all the small steps that make up the larger process. This is where you have to look to determine what can be improved. Looking for waste in each process must be determined before any action should be taken. Particular attention should also be taken to determine how each process is affected either all other processes. Want to help improve all along the line.

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