By Craig Calvin

When it comes to Six Sigma, many people have a negative opinion of the process that is only based on what they have heard from other people who have been involved in failed Six Sigma efforts. If Six Sigma is implemented in your company, with the full support of management, and the necessary training, it can be a tremendous tool to help you improve your business, but only if you are willing to look past all the negative myths surrounding the process.

For many people, when they hear Six Sigma, a negative image immediately pops into their head, and it is likely due to human nature. Our brains are trained to respond to words by envisioning them or remembering what they mean based on images in our brains. When someone says the word 'dog', a specific image pops into your head. However, it could be any breed of dog that your picture, in any size and shape, at any age, all based on what you're bringing his chosen for an image to relate to the word 'dog'.

The problem with the Six Sigma Process is that too many people have had negative experiences with it or heard of negative experiences about it that create a negative image in their mind when they hear the word. This is when the cringing starts, followed by the fidgety and nervous sweats, and perhaps even the complete disappearance of those who are confronted by their deepest fear.

Many people cannot determine whether they feel that Six Sigma Projects are actually beneficial to business or are something that should be feared, because it is just another process improvement tool that over complicates things, costs a lot of money, and doesn't work.

There are many businesses who will swear by Six Sigma, who use it constantly throughout all aspects of their business. There are other business who use Six Sigma selectively, only starting a project when there is a clear need to improve an existing process.

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