By Emile Ohman

You want to save money so you have decided that your new year's resolution is to clip and save money using coupons. But you need to know that not every coupon is worth keeping. What you need to know is that every coupon is not meant to save you money but is meant for you to spend money.

Watch the prices of other brands too. If you have a coupon for buying a product and there is another product that is cheaper even without the coupon it does not make sense to use the coupon. You can lose money by thinking that you have to use the coupon. Just throw it out, it's okay.

If you save a coupon for a product that you never buy then why are you saving it? You do not need to hold onto every coupon but just the ones you will use. People give up on coupon clipping because they don't get that coupons aren't just to have but to use on products you normally buy and you don't need every one you get.

If you clip coupons and leave them at home when you are at the store then they aren't doing you much good. In order for coupons to work you need to use them. You can save money if you actually take the coupon with you. So if you are going to use them, then use them.

Store coupons are not always the best deal. If the prices are high and you really don't have it in your budget then it is not worth holding onto the coupon. In fact, if the coupon is going to tempt you into spending money you do not have then throw it away so you are not tempted.

If you go online to get a coupon for something do you have to enter your email address to get it? This is how companies get your email to send you a lot of junk that ends up in your spam mail. If you like to get the coupons consider setting up a spam email account that all these types of offers can go.

So as you can see you can be smart and know that not every coupon is worth saving. Hold onto some or just a couple to practice being a good coupon user. But don't hang onto a bunch of coupons you will never use or spend money on that you don't have.

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