By Lauren Davis

Ants are adaptable members of the animal world, capable of living in places with the most hostile living conditions unsuitable for other flora and fauna. An ant colony commonly consists of several hundred thousands to over a million worker ants, thousands of soldier ant, and a single queen. Outdoors, ants are appreciated as gauge of changes in the environment. Unfortunately, the ants are viewed as pests once they invade human dwellings.

Ants are 1 of the most common creatures in the world and are of different types. In spite of their small size they could hurt animals and even humans.

Ant behavior may be different according to their class. The size of ants range from two to 25 millimeters and their color may vary from red to brown or black.

Driver ants and army ants are highly evolved ants. Army ants are found in South America and driver ants are found in Africa. Unlike other species, they don't have permanent nests. These colonies reproduce via two ways - fission or nuptial flights.

Weaver ants, on the other hand, are those that make their nests in trees by attaching leaves together. These creatures first force the leaves together with a bridge of workers and then they sew the leaves by pressing silk producing larvae on the leaves.

Honeypot ants generally have enlarged abdomens. These ants are typically found in hot, dry places such as deserts in Australia, Africa & North America. They are also considered a great delicacy in some places.

Leaf cutter ants feed only on fungus and live only within their colony. They come in various sized classes to carry out several functions that are to be performed in the colony.

Another unique type of ant is the fire ant. These ants have a sac of poison that is filled with piperidine alkaloids.

The Australian bulldog ants are those with only one chromosome and they are amongst the largest & most primitive varieties of ants.

You probably think that it is not a priority for you to administer pest control measures for your home right now. Even if you think that nothing will compel you to move, you might, someday, be putting your house up for sale because of some reason. Real estate agents and possible buyers alike would generally steer clear of a pest-infested dwelling, knowing full well that it is an unwise investment. For example, even you yourself would be unhappy if the property you are preparing to purchase is infested with termites. Also, if you are thinking about utilizing your home as a collateral for a loan, there is a greater probability that the lenders would refuse your loan application if they see pest infestation when they visually inspect your house. So, in order for your property to remain as a good investment, just consider the fee for hiring a professional pest exterminator as a precaution to the conservation of the structural quality of your home.

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