By Janis Razor

Business owners face many challenges in running their business. It can be difficult financially to get a business firmly established, and it may be impossible for owners to afford to hire the help that they need.

There are tasks that must be completed, however, such as bookkeeping, tax filing, marketing, and correspondence. For an entrepreneur, these tasks may take up so much time that running the business becomes a losing proposition keeping up with paperwork prevents them from being able to move forward with their other business plans.

In some instances, this may even affect the long-range health of the business itself. A business owner is unable to follow up on creative ideas that might take the business to the next level because of mundane tasks and paperwork.

Many business owners do not realize that there are alternatives to drowning in paperwork or giving up. But there are ways to be productive and creative at the same time. It is possible to staff a business, and get help with paperwork and administrative tasks, fairly inexpensively.

The key is to think creatively in fact, virtually. When it is not financially possible to hire an employee, try hiring a virtual assistant.

One important aspect of hiring a virtual assistant is to hire them as independent contractors. By hiring them on a contractor basis rather than as employees, the employer can avoid paying for taxes and benefits, and releases the employer from having to follow labor laws.

For the budget-conscious entrepreneur, hiring a virtual assistant also provides value by making a salary unnecessary. The assistant can be hired as needed, given work to do when work is available, and not compensated during slower periods between projects.

A virtual assistant can be the perfect answer to the staffing needs of a small business owner. Virtual assistants provide valuable assistance with administrative tasks, freeing up the business owner to pursue ideas for further business development. At the same time, the virtual assistant does not require a firm and ongoing commitment of financial resources, making them a cost-effective way to delegate responsibilities.

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One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:


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