By Alexander Smith

Clients-company relationships play a major role in outlining the progress of any company. If the clients are contented and continue to return for services, the company's chances of surviving unstable economy improve significantly. Corporate gifts are an unfailing way of maintaining good relationship with your clients. These gifts, which may cost the company a negligible amount, will ensure that the customers remain satisfied, making it a good marketing strategy even in times of recession.

The fate of any business organization is influenced by the ability to maintain and build great relationships with their clients as well as draw in new customers. In tough economic times you need the business from your customers more than ever. You may not be able to secure new business easily but if you have taken care of your clients in the past they will stick with you even when times are hard. To ensure that your clients always know that you appreciate them giving them appropriate gifts will constantly plant great seeds for the future. Giving is always the first step to getting and not the other way around

The receiver of the gift should be duly considered when selecting a corporate gift, as his or her liking the gift is the single most important aim of the whole exercise. Corporate gifts could be distributed for the promotion of a new product or service launch or given on festive occasions such as New Year to show clients recognition and effort to maintain a long term relationship.

The gifts could vary from coffee mugs, showpieces to even a bottle of exquisite wine. An intelligent way to remind customers about the company is to stamp a logo on the gift item.

The gifts must be of good quality or else the strategy will backfire. The quality of a gift plays a very important role as you don't want the clients to misjudge the purpose of gifting. In a falling economy where the clients are always searching for better deals elsewhere, it is even more critical not to give them any reason to feel unhappy about your company.

Corporate gifts therefore are one of the best promotional strategies under the constraints of a restricted budget. Even though they can act as a double edged sword if used improperly, but by exercising a little caution, they can perform miracles for a business in periods of recession.

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