By Alexander Tesla

Most of us at some point in our career have experienced the frustration of being unable to "close the deal"! We've walked away wondering what else could have been said, shown or done in order to GTC (Get The Check).

Well, I'm here to suggest to you that occasionally it's simply not the correct time for the prospect to "get in", "do the deal" or "sign up". For some unknown (or known) reason, the timing just does not seem to fit their way of life right now. We've all heard the expression, No doesn't mean NO ... it just indicates, not right now!

3 reasons why individuals won't buy:

1 - No Cash 2 - No Need 3 - No Trust

You might open up your memo or conversation with ..."I'm responding to your request for more information about the ecommerce chance found on our website".

1 - What kind of work are you in now?

You are wanting them to say (or write) something to the effect of "... they are tired of what they are doing or looking for some sort of change ..." Most likely if they aren't unhappy with what they're presenting involved in, there might not be enough motivation to commit to an additional opportunity. They at least need to want to supplement what they're currently performing with an additional plan.

2 - Are you looking for something full-time or part-time?

This will give you a great idea of their dedication level (if any). Everyone has his or her own definition of what part-time means as opposed to full-time. Most would agree that full-time is anything over forty hours in a single week. Someone who is truly hungry for a change in his or her lifestyle might have to under go a complete paradigm shift.

3 - What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

Listen to their answer, it might be a bit undefined but you will sense in their "story" whether or not there's a fit for them in your business.

A lot of times people want YOU to answer much more concerns at this particular time. They may ask you things like:

1 - How much is it? 2 - What do I need to do?

My suggestion is to plug them into a "system" and let the program answer their questions. Even if you know the answers, it's still much better to let the system do the work for you. Why? Simply put ... it's duplicatable! If you have a "system", everybody can do it!! It's the old KISS technique, (Keep It Simple Sweetheart).

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