By Annie M. Jennings

Have you written a book and are seeking a way to do some book marketing? There are many options out there that you can use. Deciding which way to get your book promotion completed will be a bit tough in some cases.

Finding them is all about searching in the right spot. Simply doing a search for book publicity ideas will work. But you will need to learn how to use these tools in order to really earn money.

That's why many people will opt to finding a book marketing company to help them out. These are people who do this as a job and can assist you in pulling in traffic to your web site. Getting you sales, but it will cost you money, and at times it isn't a cheap undertaking.

So that's why you may want to look at marketing books by your own tools you can find. These can be done with creating your own web site, and posting of blogs. Creating things like an RSS feed even to help with promoting.

There are several places out there that you can check to see if you can place your book on to sell too. Places like Amazon or even eBay has a place you may be able to place your work. It's all about finding and using the tools in the right way to drive the traffic in.

Figuring out the best places to reach your target audience will help in your promotion of your work. If you have a medical book of course you will focus on the medical community. Look for blogs and web sites that have to do with the specific or even general idea of what you've written.

Find and use different blog and news groups that are out there to help create an interest in your work. Posting and promoting on as many spots as you can find. Allowing people to find out and read a bit about your book will help create sales.

As people read more about you and even sign up and read your blogs they will begin to watch what you write. Also providing friends and family with your link if they enjoy it enough.

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