By Paul Black

The insect world can be quite astonishing. For such a infinitesimal insect, the termite annually causes billions of dollars' worth of destruction to property. This member of the Animal Kingdom largely feeds on dead wood, and as such, buildings and homes with wooden parts are in danger of termite plague. The termite also chomps on paper (putting books and important documents in danger), soft elements of an edifice (such as the lining and filter system of swimming pools), and insulation components installed in buildings and houses. Further, termites could also swarm on living shrubs and living flora, effecting damage to them.

Termite infection should be pondered upon when buying or selling a house, considering that nobody puts down top dollar on infected homes. Banks tend to draw a lower home market value if, during assessment, they find out that your house is invaded by these destructive pests.

Once termite is observed inside the building, it is an almost certain symptom that there is an infestation that would require pest control intervention. Termites are frequently confused with ants, which also swarm indoors about the same time that the termite is active above-ground. One way tell apart a termite from an ant is a close scrutiny of their physical characteristics. A termite's antennae are straight, while those of the ant are bent. Ants have slender waists and two pairs of wings, while the termite has a broad waist and one pair of wings.

The presence of thin, tubelike earthen columns sticking to walls, posts, or floor support are indicators that termites have encroached within the house.

Termite control in the home is one extermination job that one cannot accomplish with DIY products. Services done by professionals are essential. These expert exterminators bring in the indispensable arsenal in pest control: the chemicals and the equipment. Let the payment for professional extermination services be thought of as a valuable investment to keeping the house standing. It is guaranteed that expert exterminators from a company with a sterling reputation can put your pest infestation problems to rest.

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