By Adriana Noton

Many people use public storage facilities. People use storage spaces when they are moving, when they need an additional place to keep documents, or when they need a temporary place to keep their stuff if they are making major changes to their home. There are different methods you can use to help you pack your storage space carefully.

Choose a storage facility that is within a convenient traveling distance. This will make it easier for you when you need to access the items in the storage unit. This is particularly beneficial if you have to make multiple trips between your location and the facility. Choosing a place that is within a short distance will help you save gas money and you will spend less of your time on the actual commute.

Gather all of the packing supplies you will need, such as tape, boxes, wrapping materials for vases and paintings and covers for furniture. Make sure none of the boxes become too heavy to carry. It is a good idea to test the weight of the box as you are packing. You don't want to strain yourself as you are moving the items to different locations. Clearly label all of the boxes so that you will be able to locate the items you need quickly without having to open the boxes. Securely tape the boxes to prevent any items from falling out.

Assess the long term storage space to figure out how to use the space efficiently. One way to optimize the space within the unit is to pack the boxes vertically. Place the larger items and pieces close to the walls. Heavy hard items can be placed on the bottom and the more fragile items can be placed on top of the storage.

Items can be placed in bookshelves, drawers, empty refrigerators and in baskets. This will help you save some space within the unit for other items. Boxes with fragile items should be stored in a way that will not damage them. Items that you need to access most often or right away should be placed toward the front of the unit so that they will be easy to pick up.

By strategically packing the boxes, you will be able to use more space in the unit. Stack the boxes so that they are easy to reach. The items should be stored in a way that will make it easier to access the boxes and other miscellaneous items when you need to retrieve them later.

Place the boxes in a manner that will allow air to circulate throughout the unit. The items should be organized in a way that will allow you to move around and be able to reach any of the boxes at your convenience.

To pack the storage space carefully, there are certain tips you can incorporate into the process. You can save time and expenses by choosing a storage facility close to your location. By strategically placing the items in the unit, you can optimize the storage space. Securely packing and storing the items will help preserve their condition and will allow them to be easily accessible.

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