By Rahul Toulsien

These days there is a huge influx of toner printers on the market. This is because the technology has gotten cheaper to produce as well as the quality of many of the printers on the market. They can print in high quality and usually faster than a standard printer.

When using printers with toner, there are important things to know about what the ink inside of it is doing. If there is a spill in the printer, it can't be cleaned up with a damp rag, as that will damage the printer. You need to get an ESD vacuum. ESD is a term that stands for Electrostatic Discharge Safe. These vacuums can be used in close proximity to electronics and won't cause undo harm to the printer.

Toner is made of wax or plastic, which means that it can be cleaned easily in water when it has been spilled on clothes. You should use cold water when cleaning the toner off, not warm or hot water. This is because the heat will bond the toner to what it's already on by heating it up and therefore is softened and bonds quicker.

The ink usually starts out in powdered form. This powder has been shown, in some studies that are still under review, to possibly have some carcinogenic problems. That means it can cause lung problems in people that have had high exposure to it. There is also the possibility of getting respiratory problems, either from powder residue in the air after opening up some of the powder, or from printers that emit sub-micrometer particles.

The benefit to using a laser printer is that you can refill them yourself. Purchase ink in bulk and get a refilling kit to avoid the large cost of buying a new cartridge each time they run out.

If you aren't willing to refill it yourself because you aren't sure about how safe it is, then you will want to make sure to recycle. These cartridges can bad for the environment if they are left in a landfill. It might take a little work to find a place that recycles cartridges, but this is the green thing to do and sometimes the places will pay a little for each cartridge you bring in.

Buying new toner printers is easy to do. They are for sale all over the place. They can be picked up quickly and hooked up rather quickly as well. They have many advantages to other types of printers, provided that you use care when handling the ink.

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