By Alan Sharkey

Although we all dream of living a luxurious lifestyle, the sad fact is that only 1% of us will actually be wealthy. Surprisingly, far more act as if they actually will be. This is clearly a dream that many choose to chase.

Although the odds are against you, it is still possible. To become rich without winning or inheriting the money, there are 3 steps to help you on your way.

It's time to get your brain into gear and work out which is the best way to make that cash. You may have looked for a product that didn't exist or have an idea for a great new invention, draw yourself up a blueprint.

If you only have a couple of hundred dollars in your account, opening that great steak restaurant isn't going to happen anytime soon. If you have very little money, your time is your most important resource.

One thing you shouldn't do is get into the mindset that you have to be a genius. Not every successful person had invented and iPhone or iTouch.

You know your capabilities and how good you are at commitment. Don't go into any business plan halfheartedly; if you want to succeed you need to work hard at it. You may decide that instead of thinking up a brand new product, the best way for you to go is improve on an existing one.

Once you have started to generate income, duplicate the process that you used to create that initial revenue. The reason why most of the wealthiest people in the world are to rich is duplication.

This is the simplest way of explaining duplication. Take a pack of gum for example; they may only generate a profit of 15 cents per pack. But, if 1 in every 20 people buys that gum, you are multiplying those 15 cents by 17.5 million.

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