By Alex King

People are often under the erroneous impression that a PR firm performs the same function as the marketing department of a company. While their functions might from time to time overlap, they are certainly not doing identical jobs. Let us have a brief look at the function of a PR leeds professional.

The primary function of a public relations department or consultancy is to establish and maintain a two way communications line between a company and the public. The aim in this process is to make sure the public is aware of the company's products/services, goals and objectives. They should also provide feedback to top management about public reaction to what is happening at the company.

An important part of the job description of a PR department/agency is to present the company in a positive light. This is why people sometimes refer to them as spin doctors. This isn't necessarily their function. Very often you will find that the populace has a negative perception about a company or government department because of a lack of information. Once the PR people has provided all the relevant facts, this perception can change for the better.

When there is an important change at a particular company, whether this is a change of leadership, product range or its way of operating, it's the PR people's function to make sure the public is properly informed about the reasons for and implications of this. In the process they will use their existing contacts in the media world to issue press releases, they often send out targeted emails to people on their mailing list and they might also arrange a series of public speeches.

As already mentioned earlier in this document, the PR process is a two-way flow of data. The public has to be kept aware of all important occurrences at the company, while top management needs to be aware of changes in public perceptions at all times. This is why you will often find that company management will consult the PR department/agency before they make decisions that could have public relations consequences.

Your local PR leeds expert will therefore not only have a very good relationship with the press, but he will also be a master of communication. He will be able to clearly convey his ideas both in written format and verbally. Apart from that he will also be a good listener, which is vital if you want to know what the public really thinks.

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