By Shirley Johnson

If you are involved in an accident in your workplace and are injured, or if you fall sick because of an unhealthy environment where you work, then you are eligible for a compensation amount according to the Workers Compensation Claims. However, unfortunately, many people commit a lot of mistakes, making them ineligible for any kind of compensation, which cost them heavily.

Not informing your superiors regarding the accident.

The Workers Compensation system has a set of rules and regulations. According to these regulations, the worker, who has met with an accident and got injured, must inform his/her boss about the accident within a time period of thirty days from the day the incident happened. The worker must submit a written statement describing the entire incident. If the worker fails to do this, then he/she will not be eligible for a full compensation payment. This is one of the most common blunders that most workers make.

Unsuccessful filing of the claim with the Industrial Committee

The set of principles that the system of workers compensation claims is based upon also states that the employee who has been involved in the incident has to record his/her compensation claim with the industrial board. This task should be done prior to the completion of seven hundred and twenty days from the day of the occurrence of the incident. If the employee fails to do this, then he/she will no longer be considered for a complete reimbursement. In addition to that, the employees who are down with a serious disease should also record a claim with the board. This can be done in two years time after the employee has been confirmed unfit for work. You should know that the application process for recording the claims of an injured employee and a sick employee are totally different.

Not notifying your doctor about the accident.

Whenever a claim is documented, the insurance agency of the company first send out its group of inspectors, who do a background check on the claimer and then decide if the claim is legitimate or not. Therefore, you need to make sure that you do not leave any open ends. Make sure that you tell everything about your injuries and the incident to your doctor. All this should be clearly mentioned in your medical reports for the inspectors to believe that you are not lying. If you do not do this, then there is every chance that your claim is declined. 4. Hiding facts from your lawyer

Reluctant to confess everything to your solicitor.

Your advocate plays a very vital role in getting your claim approved. This is because he/she takes up the huge responsibility of collecting all the possible evidence and makes a case for you, keeping in mind your best interests. Therefore, if you conceal any facts about your sickness or injury or the incident, then you are openly throwing away your case to the insurance company. Concealing facts will only hurt you because by doing that, you will place your legal adviser in an unknown territory and he/she will not know what to do. The errors which have been discussed above are usually the most common ones and avoiding them is the only way how you can optimize your workers compensation claim.

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